Why Was Resamon Started...

Welcome to the Resamon Club. Where we will chat and discuss all things us, why we do the things we do. What our intentions are. For this first blog to break the ice we will start as to why did we start RESAMON. 

I have worked since the age of 18, I was intrigued by the fashion district in DTLA as I was job hunting. I could have been in college but because I had a baby at 16 my options back then at least were very limited or it is what my community made me think. Looking for a job around the district was the best decision because it brought me to where I am today. 

I worked a few jobs where I met amazing people along the way. I mostly worked with Koreans which is the main ethnicity in the wholesale fashion business. One of my favorite positions was as a sales person in Everly Clothing. The sisters had this beautiful bond, and worked together to make their company work. While one designed the other handled the operations. I left them after having my 3rd baby although the main reason was because reality was I would always be a sales person if I stayed, no chance of growth maybe because I did not go to college, but I was so eager to learn and I loved fashion, socializing and all. 

After resuming my work life which happened not even 40 days PP (due to personal reasons) I landed in a company which I only lasted for a month because I met this amazing company which wanted to hire me because word of mouth (my experience in sales). When I went to the interview everything I heard made me take the lead, quit my current job and join them. Their vision was just so amazing. 

The company was just starting back in 2015 and I was their 3rd employee. The great thing about this company is that they allowed me to explore my skills, create new ones, learn new experiences and my knowledge of the industry. I applied my main strength creating designs that sold, my wings weren't restrained. I started with them as a sales person and become one of their best throughout the years. I was able to integrate through their marketing and operations (& that is how I met my husband :D). 

He opened my eyes, that not just because I was a minority I could not dream bigger. I always had dreams (for example when I started working at my previous job I already had an online btq [versatility boutique] yes the name I know I was just starting) hehe. He showed me new places I have never been too (Malibu Beach) was one of them. Yes, I know I was a local he was Canadian and yet I knew nothing of the world I now know because in my hispanic community you only do things around your area. He took me to so many nice places and we eventually moved in together in Oct 2017 (along with my 3 kids) and married in March (2019). He would have married me sooner but we both lost family that year which would make in inappropriate to celebrate a special occasion. 

I worked, gave my all to this company because my husband is a partner there and although it is not all his, the burden of running that business has always fallen on his shoulders. I met so many amazing people, made lifelong friends, and learnt so much from them as a whole the last 9 years of my life, which has brought me here to RESAMON. 

My sister wanted to start her shoe business and she unlike me has ideas but not the motivation (maybe 70% lol). We decided to start this in 2022 bought some inventory in shoes and purses, but I knew what I was capable of and started bringing in clothes. We decided to take it slow and that is what we have been doing the last 2 years but after I left my job back in June I decided to focus on this 100%. 

My reason is I am tired of working for a company whom I have no voice in, at the end of the day I was an employee (because I started as one), my husband is not really "the owner" so he always has to lean on the other partners to make decisions. I wanted something better for us (my sister & her girls, my husband and our 4 kids & of course for myself).

My sister has the same goals as me we are trying to not be the typical human who works from 9-5 jobs, living paycheck to paycheck. We want to be able to send our children to great universities, give them a better neighboorhood (and although through the years my husband and myself have been able to live a good life, in a good neighborhood) I want her to be able to live it too. 

We have this little joke RESAMON has two meanings (Resa) Teresa & (Mon) Monse but if you say it fast it also means restaman (lol only a few will know). So we starting this venture with a goal of seeing our clothing globally, be a well known brand, to give back to our community but also to needing children & women who have faced domestic violence & hardships. This started because we were tired of our voices not being heard, we will have our voices heard, our lines, collections will speak volume of who we are, how we feel and what we stand for. 

